Denture Maintenance

Denture Maintenance

Denture maintenance refers to the regular care and cleaning of dentures to ensure their cleanliness, longevity, and optimal oral health. Proper maintenance of dentures is crucial to prevent oral health problems, maintain a comfortable fit, and extend the lifespan of the denture. Here are some key aspects of denture maintenance:

Denture Maintenance

1. Daily cleaning: Just like natural teeth, dentures require daily cleaning to remove plaque, stains, and bacteria. You should brush your dentures at least once a day using a soft-bristled denture brush or a regular soft toothbrush. Avoid using toothpaste or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the denture surface. Instead, use a mild soap, denture cleaner, or a non-abrasive denture cleaning solution recommended by your denturist.

2. Soaking: Dentures should be soaked in a denture-cleaning solution or plain water overnight to keep them moist and to remove any residual debris. This helps prevent drying out and maintains the shape and fit of the denture.

3. Proper handling: Handle dentures with care to avoid dropping or bending them. When removing or inserting the denture, do so over a soft surface or a basin of water to prevent damage if they accidentally fall.

4. Oral hygiene: Even with dentures, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene. Clean your mouth, gums, and tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush or a moist cloth before inserting the dentures. This helps remove bacteria and stimulate blood circulation in the oral tissues.

5. Annual denture check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups with your denturist to ensure that your dentures fit properly and to identify any potential issues early on. Your denturist will also professionally clean your dentures and examine your oral tissues for any signs of irritation or inflammation.

6. Avoid harmful habits: Certain habits can be detrimental to denture maintenance. Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods that can damage the denture. Additionally, refrain from using your dentures to open packages or as a tool, as this can lead to fractures or misalignment.

7. Denture adjustments and repairs: If you notice any discomfort, looseness, or damage to your denture, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Visit your denturist for professional adjustments or repairs to ensure the proper fit and function of your denture.

By following these maintenance practices, you can keep your dentures clean, comfortable, and in good condition, promoting your oral health and overall well-being.



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