Surgical/Immediate Denture

Surgical/Immediate Denture

A surgical denture, also known as an immediate denture, is a type of denture that is placed in the mouth immediately after tooth extraction. Unlike conventional dentures that are made before the teeth are removed, immediate dentures are prepared in advance and are ready for placement on the same day of the extraction.

Immediate Dentures after Extractions

Here’s how the process of surgical/immediate denture works:

  1. Planning: Prior to tooth extraction, your denturist will take measurements, impressions, and photographs of your mouth to create a customized immediate denture. This is done to ensure that the denture will fit properly once the extraction is completed.
  2. Extraction: On the day of extraction, the teeth that need to be removed are extracted. The immediate denture is then immediately inserted into your mouth. This ensures that you have teeth to use while your gums heal and helps you avoid the inconvenience of being without teeth during the healing period.
  3. Follow-up adjustments: After the initial placement of the immediate denture, there will likely be some adjustments required. The denture may feel slightly uncomfortable or loose due to changes in the underlying bone and gum tissue. Your denturist will make necessary adjustments to improve the fit and comfort of the denture.
  4. Healing process: As your mouth heals following the extractions, the underlying bone and gum tissues will reshape and remodel. This means that the fit of the immediate denture will gradually change. In some cases, a denture reline may be necessary to ensure a proper fit and optimal comfort.

It’s important to note that immediate dentures are considered a temporary solution as they are designed to be used during the healing period after extractions. Once the gums have healed completely, a permanent denture may be fabricated to ensure a more precise and comfortable fit.

Immediate dentures provide several benefits, including:

  1. Aesthetics: They help maintain your appearance by providing a set of teeth immediately after extraction, preventing you from having a gap in your smile.
  2. Functionality: Immediate dentures allow you to chew and speak more comfortably during the healing process, minimizing the disruption to your daily activities.
  3. Psychological support: By providing a temporary denture, immediate dentures can help patients feel more confident and at ease during the transition period of adjusting to tooth loss.

It’s important to consult with your denturist to determine if immediate dentures are suitable for your specific dental situation. They can provide more information about the process and discuss alternative options if needed.



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